The Foundation plans to focus on contributing and supporting innovative development ideas, initiatives and programmes in the field of Tourism and Education. The Foundation will also honour outstanding personalitiesin these two areas and as a start up initiative has planned/implemented the following awards:
Naindra Bahadur Gurung, Awardee Eastern Development Region, “PP Prasai Excellence in Education', for teachers 2014, is a Nepali and Social Studies teacher. Naindra Bahadur Gurung teaches Nepali to middle school from Janaprem Higher Secondary School in Baglung. His average student achievement is 63%. In 2005 (B.S. 2062), he initiated the introduction of computer classes and made it mandatory for Grades 4 – 8. He introduced weaving of caps, gloves, mufflers, socks etc to the students as an extracurricular activities.
Tilak Raj Kalauni, Awardee Eastern Development Region, “PP Prasai Excellence in Education”, for teachers 2014, He teaches math at Mahendra Higher Secondary School at Baitadi. He makes students do different activities while teaching concepts. His students’ achievement average in math is above 60%.
Drona Bahadur Shrestha, Awardee East region, “PP Prasai Excellence in Education Award” for teachers, 2017 teaches middle school students of Himalayan higher secondary school. He has a unique strategy of teaching the children. He lets students prepare the questions, answer the questions and then has each other correct the answers as a way of practicing and preparing to get a better education. He has a student achievement average of 74%.