Empower educators, enrich education nationwide.
Through education, we have the power to change lives.
The PP Prasai Foundation was established with the objective to develop, promote and contribute to the national development by creating opportunities for teachers, recognizing their potential, supporting individuals and institutions committed to change and for preserving and promoting destinations and heritages in these two particular sectors.
1948 – 5th September 1999
A pioneer in the Tourism Sector of Nepal PP Prasai was born in Athrai of east Nepal. He came to Kathmandu to pursue his higher studies at which time he was introduced to the tourism sector...
PP Prasai Foundation was established in February 18, 2011 as a tribute to Late Prajapati Prasai, popularly known as PP. His sudden death on 5 September 1999 had left many of his dreams unfulfilled. The Foundation was established to keep alive PP’s aspirations of developing and promoting the education and tourism sector of Nepal while serving the people in need.
The Patron of the Foundation is Sharda Prasai, wife of PP Prasai. The foundation is headed by the President Shikher Prasai and is inclusive of experts and professionals from diverse background such as the social sector, media, medicine, tourism, education, and others contributing to the successful growth of the Foundation.
Teachers Awarded
National Teachers Winner
School Awared
Teacher Trainings with GE
शिक्षक हुनुमा आनन्द
एउटा मालीले फूलबारीमा रमाउन सकेमा मात्र सो बगैचामा भएका फूलहरू फुल्न सक्छन् भनेझैँ...
National Winner, 2022
मा पीपी प्रसाई जस्ता संस्थालाइ मेरो हृदयबाट धनयाबाद दिन चाहाँछु हामी जस्ता शिक्षकहरूलाई अझ हाम्रो विद्यालयलाई अबल ...
National Winner, 2015
नमस्कार सबै आदरणीय व्यक्तित्वहरू, यो सम्मान पाउँदा स्थानीय निकाय,सङघ-संस्था मन्त्रालय ,विद्यालय सबैबाट प्राप्त भएको भन्दा नितान्त भिन्न अनुभव भएको थियो ।अन्यतिरको का...
Winner, 2023
सबैमा नमस्कार । विशेष गरि पी.पी. प्रसाई फाउण्डेसन परिवारप्रती हार्दिक आभारी छु । म बाँके जिल्ला नेपालगन्जवासी एक शिक्षक हुँ । २०७५ सालमा यहाँहरुले मेरो कर्तव्य...
Winner, 2018